Tuesday, June 16, 2020

"Acceptable Risk," by Robin Cook

I was hesitant to write a review for Acceptable  Risk, by Robin Cook but was egged on a bit by my favorite  book friend Bean (Hey, Bean!) after texting her  a picture of the singularly worst sentence I've  ever read. Yes, worse than Bella naming her baby Renesmee in Twilight! Not only was it the worst sentence  I've ever read, but it was in an unnecessary  chapter. Who adds a chapter  in the last 100 pages to introduce  two new characters  only to do nothing with that storyline?
Beyond that the dialog  was clunky and awkward. Specifically on the romantic front but really just all around. It was like Cook is a hermit and has never had human interaction . To make it worse our main character goes from dating one a-hole to another as  if the world has no good men and even though she knows it's she is too submissive and ashamed. What women does this author  know? Not one relationshipr or aquantance-ship in this book was believable.
The characters  all held jobs that required them to be of high  intelligence, but throwing a large word in clumsy dialog  doesn't  make it any better nor the characters  more believable .
Also, I find it extremely hard to believe a SICU nurse would be allowed to take 4 consecutive  weeks of vacation .

The above is all unfortunate  because the plot was quite good. Somewhat of a dual line story "present day" (1994) and the Salem Witch trials. I wish there was more POV of the Salem Witch time line but the letters that were found were well done and the plot was interesting  enough to keep me reading.

Overall I wouldn't  recommend and will never read this author again. If the plot sounds interesting   read "The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane," by Katherine Howe instead.

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