I am the first one to overlook Christmas books. What better time of year to indulge in story! The weather tends to keep us indoors, and the light of the Christmas tree is perfect to create that cozy reading environment. Here are some that I have read and recommend.
1. . While it slightly lacks in plot development, it feels magical. It's a novella so it's pretty short and sweet. If your family has a lot of differences, and you want to feel understood and maybe have a little hope of how things can work out--this book is for you!
Original review: http://godsdanceralwayz.blogspot.com/2015/10/book-review-endless-christmas-by.html
2. This is one of my favorite books EVER! And while it does not have a Christmas setting, I do believe it talks a lot about what the season is supposed to be about. Little handwritten notes tucked in secret places! Who doesn't want to find a gift like that. Encouraging words are a beautiful gift to bestow upon one another.
Oringinal review: http://godsdanceralwayz.blogspot.com/2015/08/book-review-if-you-find-this-letter-by.html
3. This one will make a perfect gift; as it's designed for just that purpose! A small gift with powerful stories that comes with a section to write your own story of appreciation to the one you're giving the gift to. A easy way to thank the people we often forget but deserve it the most. Plus, Max Lucado's writing style reads like poetry, understatedly beautiful.
Original Review: http://godsdanceralwayz.blogspot.com/2010/09/you-changed-my-life-stories-of-real.html
4. This novel so easily speaks to reality. An interwoven story of three families across 25 years, and a jar full of change is bound the inspire you. This story in fact has inspired a movement! Go to Christmasjars.com to read real stories about how people are using jars of change and Christmas time to make a difference in others lives!
Original review: http://godsdanceralwayz.blogspot.com/2009/04/christmas-jars-jason-f-wright.html
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