Although I have still to read Jaded (It's next on the list), I didn't hesitate to jump on the book tour for Jilted: A Novel (Mended Hearts Series)
(David C Cook), by Varina Denman. I had become so attached to the characters upon reading the second part of the trilogy and was excited for more.
This last instalment follows Lynda, a middle aged mother who suffers depression due to not only her childhood traumas but those caused by her small town life as well. Lynda's boyfriend convinces their small town that she cheated on her husband and that her baby was his; resulting in the proverbial scarlet letter, her husband leaving herself and their child, and a swift kick to the curb from her church congregation and closest friends. With no one to lean on Lynda runs from her faith and into herself. Depression is a topic that is very taboo within the church, and it is so refreshing when someone speaks out about it. The beauty of story is that it becomes real. There is always some part of a story that you can see yourself in; personifying the topic.
We all are human. We all have flaws, and struggles, and pain. Our circumstances shape us and shape how we react to these struggles. Fact of the matter is we are all human yet not the same. We are detrimental to one another when we push our own circumstances on one another and judge. That's what happens with depression. Church, I beg of you to stop telling the depressed they aren't enough. They don't pray enough, they don't read their bible enough, ect. Let's practice grace with one another. Lynda would have been so much better off had she been shown grace much earlier. Wouldn't we all?
Read this, let it breath some life into you. If deep topics don't interest you, know that this is a good, light, summer read and there is a pretty killer tornado scene that as I was reading I had to keep checking the windows to make sure the sunshine was still out.
I have received this review from RadiantLit in exchange for a fair and honest review.