Friday, September 10, 2010

"Outlive Your Life" by Max Lucado

What I have to say...
Max Lucado’s Outlive Your Life is a study on Acts unlike any other I’ve seen. Lucado challenges the reader to take after the example of the early church we read about in Acts and get up and make a difference in the world around us for the Lord. Each chapter starts with a scripture verse and ends with one along with a prayer. At the end of the book you’ll find a discussion and action guide that has suggestions to take action that are both reasonable and impactful. Our world is a distant one covered with a façade, we are called to have compassion on this world, to not just see those in need, but to really see the heart of them and to take compassion on them. To use those action words. We really should live in a way that we would be proud if our great-great-great-grandchildren heard about how we responded to the world around us. In a way that we will be excited when the Lord holds are actions accountable to us, to have confidence that we made our Daddy proud! This book has truly challenged me in the way I respond to those around me, especially to those I may not be particularly fond of.
For more Max Lucado:
I review for BookSneeze
**I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.**

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

“You Changed my Life: Stories of Real People with Remarkable Hearts” by Max Lucado

What I have to say...
Max Lucado’s, You Changed my Life: Stories of Real People with Remarkable Hearts, is one of those reads that is bound to challenge, inspire, and change your life. It is a short read with small but hugely powerful stories. Designed to give as a gift to someone who has changed your life, it even comes with space for you to write your own story of appreciation to the receiver of the book. There are many stories of unknown heroes who had courage to do both small and big things that impacted someone’s life for the better. Some of these actions took great courage, while others may be easily overlooked. They are separated into different categories from compassion to friendship. These stories are accompanied by pictures that inspire my love of photography and little inspirational quotes. It’s the perfect size for a “coffee table” book and the stories are the perfect size for any library. Some stories you may recognize from other works by Lucado, but every one will inspire you to tell the people in your life just how much they matter in yours. We often do not thank those who change our lives, but they are exactly who we do not want to overlook. This book is a great way to thank them!
buy on Amazon
**I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.**
I review for BookSneeze

"The Boy Who Changed the World" by Andy Andrews

What I have to say...
Best selling author, Andy Andrews, does a wonderful job illustrating with the art of words exactly what the butterfly effect is in his children’s book The Boy Who Changed the World. Philip Hurst does his job well in the wonderful illustrations that add to the story. The story starts with how a boy named Norman changed the world, and throughout his story a butterfly follows along. Once you finish reading about Norman you find out that really a boy named Henry changed the world and there you see a new butterfly following him along. Then you find out that Henry really didn’t change the world but in fact it was…you get the picture. Not only do you find out how 4 different boys changed the world, but you may actually recognize some historical figures. This is a great book for any child who is old enough to sit and listen to a story that has more than one sentence on the page. In fact, I think the adult reading it to them will enjoy the story and learn something from it as well. Not only does the lesson ring loud and clear that every good choice you make, no matter how small can change the world, but I think the challenge will be heard by the children who read it and confidence to make those choices instilled within them.

**I received this book free from the publisher through the book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.**
I review for BookSneeze