I read House for two reasons: One; because it’s a Ted Dekker book; two: I kind of want to see the movie. And let me tell you I am not a fan of anything even slightly related to horror. The preview for the movie almost makes me pee my pants! How could I handle a book?! Yes I can handle suspense, but not horror.
I could not set this book down. It really reaches into the heart and directly reflects the battle between evil and good that happens daily in each human heart. I have never seen nor read anything that so vividly reflects what sin does to the human heart and soul. I am so glad that I have found the Light and that the Light has penetrated the darkness that was once in me.
If you ever want to “dive deep” into the waters of the human soul, anything Dekker is a good read-especially House. The end will leave you longing for change, maybe even teary. I sincerely hope that each and every one of you find the Light that can change the darkness and allow you to find your way out of this House. Another “Dekketti” masterpiece.